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6:16 AM

Thank You Party 2014

Setiap tahun di kantor selalu diadakan Thank You Party, sebuah gelaran acara yang diperuntukan bagi seluruh staff Prudential. Tahun 2014 ini adalah tahun ke-3 saya mengikuti gelaran acara yang selalu memiliki tema seru setiap tahunnya. Tema tahun ini adalah Cinema Paradiso, dimana semua orang diwajibkan menggunakan kostum ala-ala tokoh film favoritnya. Sahabat-sahabat saya menggunakan kostum yang lucu-lucu. Ada yang berpakaian ala Charlie Chaplin, Red Riding Hood, Ana Frozen, Minie Mouse, Neng Iteng, Wilma istrinya Flinstone, dan beragam kostum menarik lain yang seru abis. Saya sendiri jadi apah...? Jadi cleoparta yang kelebihan berat badan kalo kata sahabat saya yang lain (asem memang tuh orang, haha)... Seseruan abis, like tonight will be the last Thank You Party for us... ^^

Berasa lagi Karnavalan SD :)

Thank You Party kali ini spesial..
Karena pertama, saya bisa melihat salah satu teman baik saya tampil di panggung utama, memainkan gitar dengan skill terbaiknya, dihadapan dua ribu karyawan. I believe that one day, he will be one of best guitar player in Indonesia... Keep playing your finger with the rythem and melody.. with your soul... rock'in :)

Level 15th Band in Action.. Sayang ga ambil foto pas di stage

Kedua, karena saya juga ikutan eksis di panggung malam itu.. Ehem
I have never been dreaming of will be stand in the stage, in front of 2000 staff, in front of all BODs, shake hand with the BODs, and more than that...never dream being top 3 employee of the year 2014. Allah is very kind to me.. despite all the things that i've done (which not always something good), He gives me a lot of things that makes me feel so shy... Thank You Allah for blessing me in every single step that i take.. Thank You Allah...

Emang dasar ga bisa diem, yang sebalah anggun.. gue? grrrr

The last but not least... Kahitna was there and again makes me and all the audience melting hear their voices...Love Kahitna so much... :) 

Abang Mariooo.... love love

Memories must be something to remember
when we've got it please for never leave it... anonim

Actually, in my mind, I'm questioning a lot about
am i deserve to be stand in the stage?
and i still do not know about the answer
But i do believe that this is part of God's scenario
i'm only act follow His scenario 
nothing more 
nothing less
if you asked me now, are you happy?
i don't know..
but i'm gratefull for living in the moment like this
and let us see what will happen next
actually i'm also afraid about the future
but again
who am I thinking further about the future
the future is not ours to see

See you again in the next Thank You Party 2015 (If God allow me to see the next Thank You Party :p)

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