Random Talk #41

4:17 PM

I'm on my way to stasiun jakarta kota when writing this blog.. me and my beloved friends will go to kep.seribu, one day trip to onrust, kelor, and cipir island. I'm feeling so excited because this is the 1st trip to the beach after las september 2014, and to be honest, i miss beach so much...

I'm not going to tell you about my trip, but i want to share my random conversation with my friend.

Last night, i made random conversation with friend, and again this random conversation end up with something called "thinking".

My friend said that, if something bad happen to you, the 1st thing you should do is asking for your self, "what's wrong with your self?", and please do not blame others for that thing even someone else made that bad thing to you.

Everything happen for reason and what happen to you right now is implication of your behaviour in the past and present.

It is not about blamming your self for every bad things that came to you, but about self introspecting to understand why such a bad thing came to you, and this is part of accepting.

I do believe that Allah SWT teach us from every single thing that he gave, from the good and the bad, but again it depend to us, are we really want to see and understand what lesson that he gave to us or just make it passed by with nothing.

Happy weekend

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