Random Talk #40

4:49 AM

Time fliest so fast!
wednesday will soon pass and Thank You Allah, along this week everything went well... more possitive than last week 😊😊

Well, today is father's day, based on american calendar. In our calendar, we only have mother's day, and it celebrates every 22 December. To be honest, i'm not kind of person who are able to remember such a special day like birthday, father's day, mother's day, and etc. I just knew that today is father's day from socmed, everyone posted something with caption "happy father's day". Hmm, just wondering, are their papa read their timeline?

Read their timeline, my head suddenly linked to my father's memories. Me and my brother call him "ayah", and one day i'll call my husband with "ayah" - tsshhh, what an important thing to write! 😂😂

Ayah, he passed by last September, 8th 2014. His age at that time is 55 years old. A day before his gone, he texted me bbm and the last sentence he wrote is, "be carefull..!".

Someone told me that, "seseorang akan terasa sangat berharga saat mereka telah tiada...", and it exactly right! I'm able to say this because i felt this after ayah gone.

I miss him. My mother miss him. My brother miss him. We are all miss him.
We never said that we are all miss him, but our silence talk much, our eyes show how much we miss him.

Our pray will always with you
Happy Fathers day

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